Wednesday, 14 December 2011

The Publish It Yourself Handbook Literary Tradition and How-To (Fourth Revised Edition) (9781888889031) Bill Henderson


Product Details:

Paperback: 346 pages
Publisher: Pushcart Press; Fourth Revised Edition edition (November 17, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1888889039
ISBN-13: 978-1888889031

Product Dimensions:

9 x 6 x 1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Editorial Reviews Review "My advice - after nearly 20 years as editor of television books and columns - In and author, known by several publishing houses with a few signs that he or she has failed talent, but no" market viability "- is should read the manual - design your best life ever Boston Herald Traveler, Albert DuhamelBy now a classic, this collection of essays by the spirited self-publishers and their supporters encouraging serve self-publishers would-be and entertain and inform readers of all kinds, the short How-To section is superb, - design your best life ever and rich in detail is "How to Get Published happiness" is recommended by Judith Appelbaum and Nancy EvansStrongly -. New York Times Book Review this book a joy -. Bulletin Freelancer

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